Most teenage girls in Cameroon are engaged in early sexual activities because they come from poor homes where the parents are not able to cater for some of their basic needs. Some do not even have access to education and as a result, they become pregnant and in most cases the men abandon them with the children. It becomes a problem to the girls and their children as they do not have finances to cater for hemselves in areas of nutrition, education, health, and housing.
A community research carried out by IYEC Cameroon realized that many teenage mothers in the community are suffering from aspects such as education, nutrition, health, and housing. We have therefore identified these teenage mothers, grouped them according to their various communities and carrying out routine checks while striving to ameliorate their status in the areas of education, nutrition, health, and housing. This is in line with our community vision which seeks to empower our youths and vulnerable groups to be aware of their right to participate in decision-making, have equal access to resources and benefit, poverty alleviation for a sustainable livelihood by mobilizing, sensitizing and training them on self-reliance projects and business.
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