IYEC/ Amplify Change UK Project

Since 2017, the North-West and South- West (NWSW) regions of Cameroon have been caught up in armed conflict between State Security Forces and Non-State Armed Groups. This socio-political conflict has triggered a serious humanitarian crisis, with over 580,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) according to WFP Cameroon NWSW -Crises response report July 2022.

As a result of the crises, thausand of children have not attend school for the past 7 years of which 70% are girls affected by SRHR and GBV. This girls are vulnerablely at-risk and highly suffering from harmful practices such as teenage pregnancies, early marriages and female Genital mutilation, rape and sexual transactions and abuse.

As a result of the crises there is high rate of teenage pregnancies that has enable young girls to go out of schools including girls with disabilities, this girls are also involve in transactional sex, also there is complete absent of an adequate integrated approach to strengthen the capacities of CSOs and communities initiative to advocate for a comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services available for vulnerable Girls. Reason why IYEC is partner with Amplify change to make sustainable change in communities and school through advocacy by strengthening CSOs and community initiative to sustainable champion advocacy to make a changes in their different communities.

IYEC Project in Partnership with Amplify Change UK is aim at Advocating for a change, to enable out of schools marginalise girls has access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services in Cameroon. The 2 years project on Sexual and Reproductive health and Right is being implemented in Fako and Manyu division.

IYEC overall objective of the project is to train existing CSOs and community Initiatives (CIs) in the Fako and Manyu Division of the SW Region to become advocates for comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services available for marginalise out of school Girls in their communities and networks. Targeted as direct partners among others will be women-led and youth-led CSOs and women with disabilities. IYEC will lead these CSOs and CIs to establish an integrated and coordinated approach to strengthen the capacities of communities to advocate for girls to access education after pregnancy, enable more vulnerable girls to go back to school as well as prevention of teenage pregnancy. The project is working in collaborate with traditional and religious leaders, local administration and schools to support the implementation of the project in the communities.

In this project, IYEC is addressing the problem of high rate of teenage pregnancy and possible engagement of girls in transactional sex. IYEC is making a change by building the capacities of 60 community base human right CSOs and 60 community initiative who will work together to increase access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services for vulnerable girls in their communities and schools. As an impact the project has enable 5000 young girls and youth to have increase knowledge on access to comprehensive sexuality education, information and SRHR services, access to SRHR services that are right base, culturally appropriate and gender- sensitive.